Thursday, September 10, 2009

Marginalia of thoughts

Hello.. you have done ur role well.. now stay on stage calmly or quit.. definitely..people will give applause...

You were acting as per the script. Co-actors told you that script is written by the great script writer.. I don't know how he wrote this script.. there is nothing thrilling in it...

Why cant he write a fair drama.. some people got crying role and some people got laughing role.. Do actors allowed to select their role?

Men in saffron told .. there are many unknown players in the drama.. they r powerful ...
"you know you can't see them because your eyes are not big enough..they are there behind the curtain.. please them so that they will let you act better, otherwise you will be cursed"

Men in red told.."Man.. you thought it is drama? You are wrong, it is a game of probability.. There is no script writer..even if he is there, he is the occurrence of once of the possibility.."

Through my small eyes I can see a beautiful world outside.... Thank god.. I don't have big eyes to see all the scenes behind...


  1. Hello.. you have done ur role well.. now stay on stage calmly or quit.. definitely..people will give applause...

    Nice phrase...
    Well done Mr Eka...


  2. I remember these popping up on saheer's gtalk profile.

    It suddenly represented a abstract to an event.
    Just like saying ramayana is about ram and sita and about the battle between ram and ravana.

    ie in 14 words a epic of x verses and .... was explained.

    Similar to this i wish to develop an animation or a cartoon for each of those and have them all interlinked.

    its my idea don't steal it :)
    even if you half the copyright and intellectual property rights belong to me.

    Keep the good work progressing.

  3. good one..
    real life also like a Play..where all features there... Crying, laughing, emotion, tragedy.. boring... etc...
    good article to connect with real life situation.

  4. good and interesting, Wish u good luck, let me try to do something from my side..

  5. Ultimate one... Hello.. you have done ur role well.. now stay on stage calmly or quit..this one is tooo gud ... :) keep going ..

  6. Great beginning Saheer...
    your role is not yet over......


    This life is a play
    and I am that tainted hero
    Will finish my part in the play
    will not wait to see
    if the audience applauded
    If I got buckets or brickbats;
    If I could just give somebody little light
    that would be the ultimate delight.

    When the screen will fall
    in the final act
    I Will take out the costumes
    wash out the make-up.
    Then I wil walk alone
    my heroine will forget me.
    But do I care ? No -
    for I know
    if my act could make laugh
    or could make cry
    a single member of the audience
    who's gonna keep me in heard and mind
    that would be victory for me.

  7. Thanks all,
    Swaroop your poem is good, publish it and share with friends
